About Superstate

At Superstate we’re passionate about the promise of public blockchains to transform legacy finance. We’re tackling an ambitious mission with transparency, integrity, and a relentless focus on execution.

About Superstate

Our team

Robert Leshner, CFA

Serial entrepreneur and previously co-founder of Compound Labs. Venture investor at Robot Ventures.

Reid Cuming

Previously, product, ops, engineering lead at Compound Treasury, Chime, Stripe, and Block (aka Square). Former consultant.

Jim Hiltner, CFA
Head of Business Development

Previously, institutional sales and Go-to-Market lead at Compound Treasury, Pagaya, and Visible Alpha.

Dean Swennumson
Head of Operations

Previously, operations at Compound Treasury, private wealth management at Arlington Financial Advisors, and digital asset research at EY.

Jon Walch
Engineering Lead

Previously, core engineer at Frax Finance, and smart contract auditor. Former CTO, founder, and engineering leader.

Max Wolff
Senior Engineer

Previously, software engineer at Compound Labs and Scroll. Former research partner at Dragonfly Capital and co-founder of Marble.

Justin Domingue
Interface Lead

Previously, frontend engineer at Uniswap Labs. Prior roles in big data analysis and frontend development at Microsoft and Google.

Emily Coleman
Head of Marketing & Communications

Previously, marketing lead at Messari, Wachsman, and ShapeShift. Former marketing, communication, and people ops consultant.

Matt Storus
Head of Design

Previously, Director of Design at Coinbase. Former Architect.

Alex Zozos
General Counsel

Previously, Associate General Counsel at Coinbase, Special Counsel at the SEC. Worked at Lowenstein Sandler and JP Morgan's investment bank.

Michael Maley
Business Development Associate

Previously, US venture development lead at R3 and program manager at dlab.

Simon Miall
Senior Business Development

Previously, sales and trading at Enigma Digital Securities. Former, institutional sales and trading at UBS Investment Bank.

Fig Gowen
Protocol Relations Lead

Previously, ecosystem initiatives at Flipside Crypto, managed dYdX's Operations Trust, grants for Aave, and DeFi research at Proxima Capital.

Bill Zhu
Software Engineer

Previously, software engineer at Alchemy and Coinbase.

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