Simplified Investing

Onboard, invest, and manage your assets with ease. Superstate’s investor portal streamlines your entire investment journey.

About Superstate

Stress-free onboarding

Start investing quickly with our streamlined onboarding process.

Easy registration

Provide standard required information to onboard you or your investing entity with our easy-to-use tool, and invite your team to collaborate. Autosave enables you to pick up where you left off at any time.

Apply to multiple funds

Access all Superstate funds with just a few clicks. Review key legal documents, complete attestations, and designate an authorized signer to execute the agreements.

Rapid turnaround

Our team will review your application quickly. Once approved, your information is added to the subscription documents and automatically emailed to you for signature. Once the agreement is fully executed, you are ready to invest!

Our Team

Flexible investing

Easily invest in Superstate funds with flexible options to buy, hold, and redeem.

Convenient purchase options

Initiate a purchase by sending USDC to your designated Purchase Address, or by wiring US Dollars. Shares and/or tokens are issued by the next business day.1

Hold tokens or shares

Shares can be minted as ERC-20 tokens to one of your onchain addresses. Not ready for tokens? Shares can be held in standard book-entry form, and you can choose to mint tokens later.

Easy redemptions

When you're ready to redeem, transfer your tokens to the token contract address or use the burn() function from your onchain address. Or, if you hold shares in book-entry you can redeem them right from the portal. For both methods, receive payouts in either USDC or US Dollars.

Powerful account management

Superstate’s institution-ready portal gives you full visibility into your portfolio, and offers everything you need for easy account management and team collaboration.

Manage your allowlist addresses

Self-serve portal enables you to manage wallet addresses on the allowlist. Allowlist addresses can receive or transfer tokens.

Unified portfolio

Get a unified view of the performance of all your Superstate holdings across multiple investing entities and allowlist addresses.

Track transactions

View pending and historical transactions including purchases, redemptions, transfers, and mints.

Collaborate and manage permissions

Give your team or third-party collaborators (e.g. accountants, fund admins, etc.) access to your account and control each user’s permissions.

Access documents

Download key fund and account documents.

Our Team

Ready to get started?

Connect with our business development team to learn about our tokenized investment solutions.

Contact Us

1 Delivery will vary depending on the date, method, and fund characteristics. Please see the Fund Documents and knowledge base for more detailed information.

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All content available on this Website is general in nature, not directed or tailored to any particular person, and is for informational purposes only. Neither the Website nor any of its content is offered as investment advice and should not be deemed as investment advice or a recommendation to purchase or sell any specific security. The information contained herein reflects the opinions and projections of Superstate as of the date hereof, which are subject to change without notice at any time. Superstate does not represent that any opinion or projection will be realized. Neither Superstate nor any of its advisers, officers, directors, or affiliates represents that the information presented on this Website is accurate, current or complete, and such information is subject to change without notice. Any performance information must be considered in conjunction with applicable disclosures. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Neither this Website nor its contents should be construed as legal, tax, or other advice. Individuals are urged to consult with their own tax or legal advisers before entering into any advisory contract.

Superstate is currently exempt from registration with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) in reliance on the private fund adviser exemption under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (“Advisers Act”). Information about Superstate can be found by visiting the SEC website and searching for our firm name. Neither the information, nor any opinion expressed above should be construed as solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell a security or personalized investment, tax, or legal advice.